Friday, September 01, 2006


It's been a while!

So, ummm... what's new? Not much, brother still dating close friend, still doing tech support for major computer corporation (but getting better at it!), still disconnected from most of my friends, still taking life one day at a time. And still struggling against the writer's block of the century.

I had my choir audition today, I'm really really hoping to get into chamber choir, but I seriously botched the sight reading bit. I think I may have made up for it with the rhythm sight reading part though.

Last night I went to the hospital to have blood taken for some blood cultures. Something about having a fever every night for a week with no other symptoms really (except for the headache I usually get when I have a fever) is kind of worrisome. Hopefully not a heart infection because that would really suck, especially right now when I'm trying to work AND go to school.

J and R are coming up this weekend and bringing Katie, of course. I'm so excited I finally get to meet the little (or not so little anymore, I'm given to believe) tater. And of course I get to smother her in Auntie's love and spoil her rotten.

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