Monday, July 14, 2014

An Important Debate: Shave It or Save it?

Hi guys! It's me! I've been hiding out in various work-related hidey-holes for ages, and I missed all of you.

Know what I did not miss? Spending 20+ minutes brushing all the tangles from my ridiculously long hair. Also, cleaning up all the shed hairs from EVERY-FREAKING-WHERE! Also also, being waaaaaaaaaay too hot because my hair is touching me. Also also also, having to keep my hair up all the time because it gets caught under my arms and I accidentally pull it all the time, and plus it's always in the way. That's because I've been dealing with this terrible long hair for AGES.

It's been 5.5 years since I saw my bald head, and I miss it a lot! However I know that many of YOU (*ahem*Mom*ahem*) really would prefer if my bald head did not see the light of day for a few years (millennia, even).

So what? So, I'll tell you what! Last time I shaved my head, I raised money for cancer research, by soliciting donations/sponsors for a "Chrome Your Dome" event at my college. I considered doing something similar again, but honestly, pediatric cancer research receives 5 times the funding available for congenital heart defect research, and CHDs are responsible for twice as many pediatric deaths as all forms of childhood cancer combined. 

So. I searched and researched and found a way for you to vote by donation:

If you visit this site, you can make a donation to either the Heart and Stroke Foundation or the Canadian Congenital Heart Alliance. I would prefer if you donated to CCHA, because they focus on congenital heart disorders and diseases (whereas the HSF does a lot of work in researching and preventing acquired heart disease). But I will leave that choice up to you -- I realise more people have heard of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, and I have the page set to request of the charity that funds donated through this event are used to support CHD research if possible. 

Here's the part that proves I'm not rambling on about two unrelated things: Please use the "optional message" field to tell me if you think I should "shave it" or "save it". Yes, I will still receive the message even if you make your donation anonymous. Any donations without comment will be considered non-votes, but I will appreciate them all the same for supporting a cause very dear to my heart (snerk. I had to do a heart pun, I couldn't help it!). Whichever side has gained the highest value of donations by September 7, 2014 (we are talking dollar amounts, here, not the number of contributions) wins, and I will either shave my head and donate the hair for wigs etc. or I will continue to grow it for another year.

And so, I leave the fate of my hair in your hands (mostly -- I did donate $10 to the "shave" side because I know no one ever wants to go first, but I promise, no meddling, and if things look that close by Labour Day I'll toss in an equal amount on the other side)!

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