Monday, March 27, 2006

Normal stuff never happens to me!

So, here I am, preparing for a hiring fair tomorrow (yes, I'm going back to the phones), when a couple of facts become apparant:

1. I haven't touched my resume since November.
2. I haven't installed Word on my computer since the last time I formatted my hard drive.

So, I set about rectifying point #2 first, since Word makes it much easier to edit my resume and come up with a decent-looking end product. Everything is going according to plan. My computer tells me to insert disk 2 (I'm getting word from a works suite) so I do that. A few seconds later, I hear BANG!!!!! CRUNCHACRUCNCHAGRINDACRUNCHA...until I hit the power switch on the back of my machine.

I grab a screwdriver, unhook the cdrom drive from the guts of my computer, detatch it from the case, and pull it out. I grab a safety pin to open the drawer and... sure enough, there's disk 2 of microsoft works suite 2000 shattered into a gadzillion bits and clogging up the inside of my drive. *sigh*

Who has CDs explode inside a cdrom!?! Seriously, that stuff never happens to real poeple!!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have never heard of that happening.

Not even too the non-normal people I know.